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Silicon Valley is not a place. It's a state of mind.

It can't be toured. It has to be experienced.


To understand the fuzz, you need to live it! 

We make sure you and your team get the real experience. Fast!

Live like the locals

To really experience what Silicon Valley is, you need to live in Silicon Valley the real Silicon Valley way:


  • Real homes and apartments

  • Uber, Lyft and Caltrain

  • Meals delivered from fast growth food start-ups

  • Access to all services you want directly from your smartphones.


You can live in hotels and travel by tour buses or taxis elsewhere. Not here! This trip is about giving you the real feeling so that you can begin to understand what the future will be like.

Meet the companies

You live like the locals, you eat like the locals, you clean like the locals, you travel like the locals. In every way possible you will live the real Silicon Valley way, and behind all these daily experiences are start-ups leading the way.


During the trip you will meet with some of these companies. 


Based on your industry and needs we will make sure to arrange meetings that will bring new knowledge that's relevant to your team. 

Be challenged

Silicon Valley is all about dreaming, daring and doing.


Your Silicon Valley experience will also challenge your team. Together with you, we develop a challenge that will make sure your team brings back relevant experience and new perspectives.


There are many possibilities:


  • Pitching competition for VCs

  • Networking challenge

  • Intrapreneurship challenges

  • Intern for a day


And more!

Hi, I'm Silje

  • LinkedIn - Black Circle
  • Facebook - Black Circle


I moved to Silicon Valley in 2012 believing I knew Silicon Valley. I was wrong! To know Silicon Valley you need to live it, and to understand global trends and the future, you need to really experience the beat. This is what Silicon Valley is all about!


During my years in Silicon Valley I both witnessed and was part of several tours where top level management from European companies flew in to experience this place for themselves. The tours were always the same: Hotels, tour buses, the standard meetings with the same companies, and pre-arranged meals at nowhere special.


"There must be a better way!" I thought. And there is! 


Together with Silicon Valley locals from business, venture capital, academics, and incubators I organize tailored Silicon Valley experiences for your company. We make sure you get to live and feel the pulse of the real Silicon Valley.


Silicon Valley is not a place. It's a state of mind.

It can't be toured. It has to be experienced.

To understand the fuzz, you need to live it! 


We make sure you and your team get the real experience. Fast!

Get in touch, and together we'll create the most

amazing experience perfect for you

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